Thursday, June 08, 2006

Decisive Pslogging

Sometimes it really drives me nuts when people keep changing their minds.

There was another driver on the expressway today during my morning commute. (Actually, there were lots of other drivers on the expressway this morning!) One in particular, though, merged across two lanes as he came to the end of the entrance ramp. I quit counting after he made his sixth lane change in about a mile and a half.

My wife gets ready to go to church on Sunday morning. She steps into the bedroom and asks what I think. After twelve years of marriage, I know what comes next. I look down at her feet and see that she's wearing two different shoes. I offer my opinion as to which pair of shoes is the best match for the beautiful outfit she's chosen. She puts on the shoes I choose. Then she asks if I'm sure. She goes back into the closet and puts on the other pair - the one I didn't choose. Then she picks a third pair to parade into the bedroom. Finally, she changes her outfit to match a fourth pair all together.

My kids call my cell phone. The want to know if I'll pick up McDonald's on my way home from work. I carefully go through the order to make sure I have the right number of chicken nuggets, the right number of cheeseburgers, the right ingredients on the cheeseburgers, the right get the picture. By the time I get home, my youngest (who's 5) decides that she wants a burger instead of chicken nuggets. Drama ensues.

Indecisiveness really frustrates me. Most of the time. I think. Well, sort of. Okay, even my own indecisivness is frequently a source of frustration. I can't just blame it on everyone else.
Decisiveness projects confidence. Indecisiveness reveals insecurity. Confidence is better than insecurity, isn't it?

Psalm 110:4 says this,

The LORD has sworn
and will not change his mind:
"You are a priest forever,
in the order of Melchizedek."

The Lord will not change his mind. Thank God! Frankly, sometimes I'm all over the map. Don't tell anyone, though. Not disciplined about reading the Bible. Neglect to spend time praying. Occasionally would rather sleep in than go to church. Give to God from the leftovers instead of giving to God first. Don't do things I know I should, and do things I know I shouldn't. Waiver in my confidence in God to follow through on God's promises.

I'd be in deep trouble if God decided to reconsider his love for me, my salvation, his claim at my baptism, the calling to ministry he gave to me. I'm a priest forever.

In the order of whom? Mel-kiz-uh-what? Not one I remember from my early days of Sunday school.

Read Genesis 14:17-19. Melchizedek is the priest who blessed Abram. Abram becomes Abraham. God enters a covenant with Abraham. Over the next several chapters, God repeats over and over that Abraham will become a blessing for all nations on earth.

Melchizedek blessed the one who goes on to be a blessing for all nations. Being a priest in this order means that I get to bless those will become blessings for others. The blessing of my ministry can have that impact.

God wants me to be more decisive in blessing others. I'm sure God isn't going to change his mind on that, either.


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